SBCL: the ultimate assembly code breadboard

EDIT: Lutz Euler points out that the NEXT sequence (used to) encode an effective address with an index register but no base. The mistake doesn’t affect the meaning of the instruction, but forces a wasteful encoding. The difference in machine code are as follows.

The idea is that we’ll define functions to emit assembly code for each primitive; these functions will be implicitly parameterised on *stack-pointer* thanks to @ . We can then call them as many times as needed to cover all values of *stack-pointer* . The only complication is that code sequences will differ in length, so we must insert padding to keep everything in sync. That’s what emit-code does:

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(defun emit-code (pages emitter) ;; there must be as many code pages as there are stack slots (assert (= (length *stack*) (length pages))) ;; find the rightmost starting point, and align to 16 bytes (let* ((alloc (logandc2 (+ 15 (reduce #'max pages :key #'code-page-alloc)) 15)) (bytes (loop for i below (length pages) for page = (elt pages i) collect (let ((segment (sb-assem:make-segment)) (*stack-pointer* i)) ;; assemble the variant for this value ;; of *stack-pointer* in a fresh code ;; segment (sb-assem:assemble (segment) ;; but first, insert padding (sb-vm::emit-long-nop segment (- alloc (code-page-alloc page))) (funcall emitter)) ;; tidy up any backreference (sb-assem:finalize-segment segment) ;; then get the (position-independent) machine ;; code as a vector of bytes (sb-assem:segment-contents-as-vector segment))))) ;; finally, copy each machine code sequence to the right code page (map nil (lambda (page bytes) (let ((alloc (code-page-alloc page))) (replace (code-page-code page) bytes :start1 alloc) (assert ( (setf (code-page-alloc page) (+ alloc (length bytes))))) pages bytes) ;; and return the offset for that code sequence alloc))

This function is used by emit-all-code to emit the machine code for a bunch of primitives, while tracking the start offset for each primitive.

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(defun emit-all-code (&rest emitters) (let ((pages (loop repeat (length *stack*) for page = (make-code-page) ;; prefill everything with one-byte NOPs do (fill (code-page-code page) #x90) collect page))) (values (mapcar (lambda (emitter) (emit-code pages emitter)) emitters) pages)))

Now, the pièce de résistance:

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(defun next (&optional offset) (setf offset (or offset 0)) ; accommodate primops that frob IP (let ((rotation (mod *stack-pointer* (length *stack*)))) (inst movzx *rax* (make-ea :dword :base *virtual-ip* :disp offset)) (unless (= -4 offset) (inst add *virtual-ip* (+ 4 offset))) (if (zerop rotation) (inst add *rax* *code-base*) (inst lea *rax* (make-ea :qword :base *code-base* :index *rax* :disp (* rotation *primitive-code-offset*)))) (inst jmp *rax*)))

First steps

Let’s add a few simple primitives.

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(defun swap () (inst xchg (@ 0) (@ 1)) ; exchange top of stack and stack[1] (next)) (defun dup () (decf *stack-pointer*) ; grow stack (which grows down) (inst mov (@ 0) (@ 1)) ; and overwrite TOS (next)) (defun drop (&optional offset) (incf *stack-pointer*) ; just shrink the stack (next offset)) (defun add () (inst add (@ 1) (@ 0)) ; second element becomes TOS (drop)) (defun sub () (inst sub (@ 1) (@ 0)) (drop))
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CL-USER> (setf *print-length* 100) 100 CL-USER> (emit-all-code 'swap 'dup 'drop 'add 'sub) (0 32 64 96 128) (#S(CODE-PAGE :ALLOC 152 :CODE #(69 135 193 139 4 61 0 0 0 0 72 131 199 4 72 1 240 255 224 102 15 31 132 0 0 0 0 0 15 31 64 0 69 139 248 139 4 61 0 0 0 0 72 131 199 4 72 141 132 6 64 117 0 0 255 224 15 31 132 0 0 0 0 0 139 4 61 0 0 0 0 72 131 199 4 72 141 132 6 192 16 0 0 255 224 102 15 31 132 0 0 0 0 0 102 144 69 1 193 139 . )) . ) CL-USER> (defparameter *code0* (code-page-code (first (second /)))) *CODE0* CL-USER> (defparameter *code1* (code-page-code (second (second //)))) *CODE1*

The code for swap lives between bytes 0 and 32. Let’s take a look at the version for *stack-pointer* = 0 and *stack-pointer* = 1 .

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CL-USER> (sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (*code0*) (sb-disassem:disassemble-memory (sb-sys:vector-sap *code0*) 32)) ; Size: 32 bytes ; 0669C700: 4587C1 XCHG R8D, R9D ; 03: 8B043D00000000 MOV EAX, [RDI] ; 0A: 4883C704 ADD RDI, 4 ; 0E: 4801F0 ADD RAX, RSI ; 11: FFE0 JMP RAX ; 13: 660F1F840000000000 NOP ; padding NOPs ; 1C: 0F1F4000 NOP NIL CL-USER> (sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (*code1*) (sb-disassem:disassemble-memory (sb-sys:vector-sap *code1*) 32)) ; Size: 32 bytes ; 0669D810: 4587CA XCHG R9D, R10D ; 13: 8B043D00000000 MOV EAX, [RDI] ; 1A: 4883C704 ADD RDI, 4 ; 1E: 488D8406C0100000 LEA RAX, [RSI+RAX+4288] ; 26: FFE0 JMP RAX ; 28: 0F1F840000000000 NOP NIL

dup is at 32-64, and sub at 128-152:

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CL-USER> (sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (*code0*) (sb-disassem:disassemble-memory (sb-sys:sap+ (sb-sys:vector-sap *code0*) 32) 32)) ; Size: 32 bytes ; 0669C720: 458BF8 MOV R15D, R8D ; 23: 8B043D00000000 MOV EAX, [RDI] ; 2A: 4883C704 ADD RDI, 4 ; 2E: 488D840640750000 LEA RAX, [RSI+RAX+30016] ; 36: FFE0 JMP RAX ; 38: 0F1F840000000000 NOP NIL CL-USER> (sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (*code0*) (sb-disassem:disassemble-memory (sb-sys:sap+ (sb-sys:vector-sap *code0*) 128) 24)) ; Size: 24 bytes ; 0669C780: 4529C1 SUB R9D, R8D ; 83: 8B043D00000000 MOV EAX, [RDI] ; 8A: 4883C704 ADD RDI, 4 ; 8E: 488D8406C0100000 LEA RAX, [RSI+RAX+4288] ; 96: FFE0 JMP RAX NIL

These are relatively tight. I certainly like how little data shuffling there is; the NEXT sequence is a bit hairy, but the indirect branch is likely its weakest (and least avoidable) point.

Control flow primops

A VM without control flow isn’t even a toy. First, unconditional relative jumps. These can be encoded as [jmp] [offset] , with the 32 bit offset relative to the end of offset . We just overwrite *virtual-ip* with the new address.

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(defun jmp () (inst movsx *rax* (make-ea :dword :base *virtual-ip*)) (inst lea *virtual-ip* (make-ea :dword :base *virtual-ip* :index *rax* :disp 4)) (next))

Call and return are at the heart of Forth-like engines. ret is easy: just pop from the control stack into *virtual-ip* .

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(defun ret () (inst pop *virtual-ip*) (next))

Call is a bit more complicated. It’s like jmp , but pushes the address of the next instruction to the control stack:

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(defun call () (inst movsx *rax* (make-ea :dword :base *virtual-ip*)) (inst add *virtual-ip* 4) (inst push *virtual-ip*) (inst add *virtual-ip* *rax*) (next))

Let’s look at the resulting machine code.

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CL-USER> (emit-all-code 'jmp 'ret 'call) (0 32 64) (#S(CODE-PAGE :ALLOC 91 :CODE #(72 99 7 72 141 124 7 4 139 4 61 0 0 0 0 72 131 199 4 72 1 240 255 224 15 31 132 0 0 0 0 0 95 139 4 61 0 0 0 0 72 131 199 4 72 1 240 255 224 102 15 31 132 0 0 0 0 0 102 15 31 68 0 0 72 99 7 72 131 199 4 87 72 1 199 139 4 61 0 0 0 0 72 131 199 4 72 1 240 255 224 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 . )) . ) CL-USER> (let ((code (code-page-code (first (second /))))) (sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (code) (sb-disassem:disassemble-memory (sb-sys:vector-sap code) 91))) ; Size: 91 bytes ; 08395200: 486307 MOVSXD RAX, DWORD PTR [RDI] ; jmp ; 03: 488D7C0704 LEA RDI, [RDI+RAX+4] ; 08: 8B043D00000000 MOV EAX, [RDI] ; 0F: 4883C704 ADD RDI, 4 ; 13: 4801F0 ADD RAX, RSI ; 16: FFE0 JMP RAX ; 18: 0F1F840000000000 NOP ; 20: 5F POP RDI ; ret ; 21: 8B043D00000000 MOV EAX, [RDI] ; 28: 4883C704 ADD RDI, 4 ; 2C: 4801F0 ADD RAX, RSI ; 2F: FFE0 JMP RAX ; 31: 660F1F840000000000 NOP ; 3A: 660F1F440000 NOP ; 40: 486307 MOVSXD RAX, DWORD PTR [RDI] ; call ; 43: 4883C704 ADD RDI, 4 ; 47: 57 PUSH RDI ; 48: 4801C7 ADD RDI, RAX ; 4B: 8B043D00000000 MOV EAX, [RDI] ; 52: 4883C704 ADD RDI, 4 ; 56: 4801F0 ADD RAX, RSI ; 59: FFE0 JMP RAX


We finally almost have enough for interesting demos. The only important thing that’s still missing is calls from CL into the VM. I’ll assume that the caller takes care of saving any important register, and that the primop ( rsi ) and virtual IP ( rdi ) registers are setup correctly. The stack will be filled on entry, by copying values from the buffer rax points to, and written back on exit.

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(defun enter () (inst push sb-vm::rbp-tn) (inst mov sb-vm::rbp-tn sb-vm::rsp-tn) ; setup a normal frame (inst push *rax*) ; stash rax (dotimes (i 8) ; copy the stack in (inst mov (@ i) (make-ea :dword :base *rax* :disp (* 4 i)))) (next)) (defun leave () ;; restore RAX (inst mov *rax* (make-ea :qword :base sb-vm::rbp-tn :disp -8)) ;; overwrite the output stack (dotimes (i 8) (inst mov (make-ea :dword :base *rax* :disp (* 4 i)) (@ i))) ;; and unwind the frame (inst mov sb-vm::rsp-tn sb-vm::rbp-tn) (inst pop sb-vm::rbp-tn) (inst ret))

The CL-side interlocutor of enter follows, as a VOP:

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(sb-c:defknown %enter-vm (system-area-pointer system-area-pointer system-area-pointer) (values) (sb-c:any) :overwrite-fndb-silently t) (in-package "SB-VM") (sb-vm::define-vop (cl-user::%enter-vm) (:translate cl-user::%enter-vm) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (stack :scs (sap-reg) :target rax) (code :scs (sap-reg) :target rdi) (primitives :scs (sap-reg) :target rsi)) (:arg-types system-area-pointer system-area-pointer system-area-pointer) (:results) (:temporary (:sc sap-reg :offset rax-offset :from (:argument 0)) rax) (:temporary (:sc sap-reg :offset rbx-offset :from :eval) rbx) (:temporary (:sc sap-reg :offset rcx-offset :from :eval) rcx) (:temporary (:sc sap-reg :offset rdx-offset :from :eval) rdx) (:temporary (:sc sap-reg :offset rdi-offset :from (:argument 1)) rdi) (:temporary (:sc sap-reg :offset rsi-offset :from (:argument 2)) rsi) (:ignore rbx rcx rdx) (:generator 0 (inst push r8-tn) ;; the stack was just too painful to declare (inst push r9-tn) ;; as temporary. and it overwrites the (inst push r10-tn) ;; thread-base TN, which regalloc disregards. (inst push r11-tn) (inst push r12-tn) (inst push r13-tn) (inst push r14-tn) (inst push r15-tn) (move rax stack) (move rdi code) (move rsi primitives) (inst call rsi) ;; assume the code page starts with ENTER (inst pop r15-tn) (inst pop r14-tn) (inst pop r13-tn) (inst pop r12-tn) (inst pop r11-tn) (inst pop r10-tn) (inst pop r9-tn) (inst pop r8-tn))) (in-package "CL-USER") (defun %enter-vm (stack-sap bytecode-sap primitives-sap) (declare (type system-area-pointer stack-sap bytecode-sap primitives-sap)) (%enter-vm stack-sap bytecode-sap primitives-sap)) (defun vm (stack-designator bytecode primitives) (declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) 1) bytecode) (type system-area-pointer primitives)) ;; initialise the stack with the designator. (let ((stack (make-array 8 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32) :initial-element 0))) (if (typep stack-designator 'sequence) (map-into stack (lambda (x) (ldb (byte 32 0) x)) stack-designator) (fill stack (ldb (byte 32 0) stack-designator))) (sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (stack bytecode) (time (%enter-vm (sb-sys:vector-sap stack) (sb-sys:vector-sap bytecode) primitives))) stack))

The only thing missing is to store the machine code for our primop in a range of memory that’s executable.

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;; first, get an executable range of memory (defvar *code-page* (sb-posix:mmap nil (* (length *stack*) *primitive-code-offset*) (logior sb-posix:prot-read sb-posix:prot-write sb-posix:prot-exec) (logior sb-posix:map-anon sb-posix:map-private) -1 0)) ;; our list of primop names (defvar *primops* '(enter leave swap dup drop add sub jmp call ret)) (defun assemble-primops () (multiple-value-bind (offsets pages) (apply 'emit-all-code *primops*) (loop for page in pages for offset upfrom 0 by *primitive-code-offset* do (sb-kernel:copy-ub8-to-system-area (code-page-code page) 0 *code-page* offset *primitive-code-offset*)) (mapcar 'cons *primops* offsets))) ;; this alist maps primop names to offsets (defparameter *primops-offsets* (assemble-primops))
1 2 3 
CL-USER> *primops-offsets* ((ENTER . 0) (LEAVE . 64) (SWAP . 112) (DUP . 144) (DROP . 176) (ADD . 208) (SUB . 240) (JMP . 272) (CALL . 304) (RET . 336))

Let’s execute add sub (and finish with leave ).

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CL-USER> (vm '(3 2 10) (coerce '(208 240 64) '(simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) 1)) *code-page*) Evaluation took: 0.000 seconds of real time 0.000003 seconds of total run time (0.000002 user, 0.000001 system) 100.00% CPU 2,288 processor cycles 0 bytes consed #(5 0 0 0 0 0 3 5)

And, indeed, 10 - (3 + 2) = 5 .

We should also test function calls

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CL-USER> (vm '(3 2 10) (coerce '(304 8 ; call F 240 64 ;; F: 208 336) '(simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) 1)) *code-page*) Evaluation took: 0.000 seconds of real time 0.000005 seconds of total run time (0.000003 user, 0.000002 system) 100.00% CPU 2,640 processor cycles 0 bytes consed #(5 0 0 0 0 0 3 5)

Instead of executing add directly, this bytecode sequence calls to whatever is 8 bytes (2 dwords) after the call instruction; in our case, add ret .

Writing bytecode by hand is annoying. This tiny functions takes care of the stupid stuff.

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(defun assemble (opcodes) (map '(simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) 1) (lambda (opcode) (if (integerp opcode) (ldb (byte 32 0) opcode) (cdr (assoc opcode *primops-offsets*)))) opcodes))

We can now write

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CL-USER> (vm '(3 2 10) (assemble '(call 8 sub leave add ret)) *code-page*)


We can now either write (basically) straightline code or infinite loops. We need conditionals. Their implementation is much like jmp , with a tiny twist. Let’s start with jump if (top of stack is) non-zero and jump if zero.

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(defun jcc (cc) ;; next word is the offset if the condition is met, otherwise, ;; fall through. (inst movsx *rax* (make-ea :dword :base *virtual-ip*)) (inst lea *rax* (make-ea :dword :base *virtual-ip* :index *rax* :disp 4)) (inst add *virtual-ip* 4) (inst test (@ 0) (@ 0)) ;; update *virtual-ip* only if zero/non-zero (inst cmov cc *virtual-ip* *rax*) (next)) (defun jnz () (jcc :nz)) (defun jz () (jcc :z))


It’s hard to write programs without immediate values. Earlier control flow primitives already encode immediate data in the virtual instruction stream. We’ll do the same for lit , inc , and dec :

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(defun lit () (decf *stack-pointer*) ; grow the stack (inst mov (@ 0) (make-ea :dword :base *virtual-ip*)) ; load the next word (next 4)) ; and skip to the next instruction (defun inc () (inst add (@ 0) (make-ea :dword :base *virtual-ip*)) (next 4)) (defun dec () (inst sub (@ 0) (make-ea :dword :base *virtual-ip*)) (next 4))

My first loop

Finally, we have enough for a decent-looking (if useless) loop. First, update the primop code page:

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;; C-M-x to force re-evaluation, or defparameter (defvar *primops* '(enter leave lit swap dup drop add sub inc dec jmp jnz jz call ret)) (defvar *primops-offsets* (assemble-primops))
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CL-USER> (vm '(1000000) (assemble '(lit 1 sub jnz -20 leave)) *code-page*) Evaluation took: 0.009 seconds of real time 0.009464 seconds of total run time (0.009384 user, 0.000080 system) 100.00% CPU 14,944,792 processor cycles 0 bytes consed #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1)

One million iterations of this stupid loop that only decrements a counter took 15M cycles. 15 cycles/iteration really isn’t that bad… especially considering that it executes an indirect jump after loading 1, after subtracting, and after comparing with 0.

We can do better by fusing lit sub into dec :

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CL-USER> (vm '(1000000) (assemble '(dec 1 jnz -16 leave)) *code-page*) Evaluation took: 0.007 seconds of real time 0.006905 seconds of total run time (0.006848 user, 0.000057 system) 100.00% CPU 11,111,128 processor cycles 0 bytes consed #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)

Fuse all the things!

Decrementing a counter and jumping if non zero is a common operation (old x86 even implemented that in hardware, with loop ). Let’s add decrement and jump if non-zero ( djn ) to the VM:

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(defun djn () (inst movsx *rax* (make-ea :dword :base *virtual-ip*)) (inst lea *rax* (make-ea :dword :base *virtual-ip* :index *rax* :disp 4)) (inst add *virtual-ip* 4) (inst sub (@ 0) 1) (inst cmov :nz *virtual-ip* *rax*) (next)) (defvar *primops* '(enter leave lit swap dup drop add sub inc dec jmp jnz jz djn call ret)) (defvar *primops-offsets* (assemble-primops))
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CL-USER> (vm '(1000000) (assemble '(djn -8 leave)) *code-page*) Evaluation took: 0.005 seconds of real time 0.005575 seconds of total run time (0.005542 user, 0.000033 system) 120.00% CPU 8,823,896 processor cycles 0 bytes consed #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)

That’s better… But I’m really not convinced by the conditional move. The branch will usually be predictable, so it makes sense to expose that to the hardware and duplicate the NEXT sequence.

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(defun djn2 () (sb-assem:assemble () (inst sub (@ 0) 1) (inst jmp :z fallthrough) (inst movsx *rax* (make-ea :dword :base *virtual-ip*)) (inst lea *virtual-ip* (make-ea :dword :base *virtual-ip* :index *rax* :disp 8)) (next -4) ; might as well pre-increment *virtual-ip* fallthrough ; ASSEMBLE parses for labels, like TAGBODY (next 4)))

The resulting code isn’t too large, and the two indirect jumps are 16 bytes apart.

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; Size: 64 bytes ; 00510220: 4183E801 SUB R8D, 1 ; 24: 7414 JEQ L0 ; 26: 486307 MOVSXD RAX, DWORD PTR [RDI] ; 29: 488D7C0708 LEA RDI, [RDI+RAX+8] ; 2E: 8B043DFCFFFFFF MOV EAX, [RDI-4] ; 35: 4801F0 ADD RAX, RSI ; 38: FFE0 JMP RAX ; 3A: L0: 8B043D04000000 MOV EAX, [RDI+4] ; 41: 4883C708 ADD RDI, 8 ; 45: 4801F0 ADD RAX, RSI ; 48: FFE0 JMP RAX ; 4A: 660F1F840000000000 NOP ; 53: 660F1F840000000000 NOP ; 5C: 0F1F4000 NOP

This alternative implementation does work better on our stupid loop.

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CL-USER> (vm '(1000000) (assemble '(djn2 -8 leave)) *code-page*) Evaluation took: 0.004 seconds of real time 0.004034 seconds of total run time (0.003913 user, 0.000121 system) 100.00% CPU 6,183,488 processor cycles 0 bytes consed #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)

Let’s see how that compares to straight assembly code.

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(defun ubench () (sb-assem:assemble () head (inst sub (@ 0) 1) (inst jmp :nz head) (next)))
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CL-USER> (vm '(1000000) (assemble '(ubench leave)) *code-page*) Evaluation took: 0.000 seconds of real time 0.000629 seconds of total run time (0.000628 user, 0.000001 system) 100.00% CPU 1,001,904 processor cycles 0 bytes consed #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)

My slow macbook air gets 1 iteration/cycle on a loop that’s 100% control overhead. With djn2 , a good implementation of a reasonable specialised operator, the loop is about 6x as slow as native code. A worse implementation of djn is still only 8x as slow as pure native code, and horribly unspecialised bytecode is 11-15x as slow as native code.


Specialising primops to a virtual stack pointer is feasible in practice, when the stack is restricted to a small size. It also seems to have a reasonable runtime overhead for threaded interpreters. I’m not actually interested in straight stack languages; however, I believe that a fixed stack VM makes a nice runtime IR, when coupled with a mechanism for local variables. We’ll see if I find time to translate a high level language into superoperators for such a VM. Fused operators would reduce the importance of NEXT ; in constrast, simpler function calls (because there’s less shuffling of items to stack them up in the right position) would remain as useful.

SBCL has definitely proven itself to be a good companion to explore the generation of domain-specific machine code. I don’t know of any other language implementation with that kind of support for interactive programming and machine code generation (and inspection). FWIW, I believe LuaJIT + dynasm will soon be comparable.

Steel Bank Common Lisp: because sometimes C abstracts away too much ;)

Text authored by Paul Khuong Mar 15th, 2014